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Who we are

Our Society has about 1,200 members worldwide. As well as individuals, membership includes more than 100 universities, libraries and other institutions.

The Society’s Council meets three times a year in April, September and December, and normally holds its AGM in early July.

The Council

The names and email addresses of Council officers can be found at Contact Us below.


The Rules governing the work of the Society are as follows:

I     The London Topographical Society is a publishing Society: its purpose is to assist the study and appreciation of London’s history and topography by making available facsimiles of maps, plans and views and by publishing research.

II    The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council, consisting of a Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary and not more than twenty-one elected Members of the Society.

III   The Subscription shall be not less than one guinea, payable in advance on the 1st January.

IV   The names of those wishing to become Members shall be submitted to the Council for approval.

V    There shall be each year a General Meeting of the Society, at which the Council elected for the preceding year shall report upon the work of the Society during that year.

VI  At each Annual Meeting all the members of the Council shall retire from office and shall be eligible for re-election.

VII No Member whose Subscription for the preceding year remains unpaid shall be eligible for election to the Council.

IX  A certified Cash Statement shall be issued to all Members with the Annual Report of the Council.

X   The Council shall have power to fill up occasional vacancies in their number during the year and to elect any Member of the Society to serve on any Committee or Sub-Committee of the Council.

XI  A publication of the Society shall be issued each year to all members whose subscriptions have been paid. No Member whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to receive such publication. Occasional additional publications may be issued at a reduced rate to paid-up Members.

XII No alteration shall be made in these Rules except at an Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called upon the requisition of at least five Members. One month’s previous notice of the change to be proposed shall be given in writing to the Secretary, and the alteration proposed must be approved by at least three-fourths of the Members present at such Meeting.