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UK Members: 

Overseas Members:


New Membership

The Society’s membership year runs from 1st January – 31st December.

Pre-AGM.  If you join before the AGM, your subscription will cover the period to the end of the membership year (ie 31st December) and you will receive the benefits for the year including the annual free publication and the May and November editions of the Society’s Newsletter.

AGM and after.   If you join on the day of the AGM or after, your subscription will cover the period to the end of the following membership year. You will not receive the annual publication for the year you join but you will receive editions of the Newsletter following the date you join and, of course, the publication for the following year.

No matter when you join, you may immediately purchase back issues of our publications at the Member’s Rate which offers a 25% price reduction.

Annual Subscription Renewals.  Please renew your subscription annually online by 4th January each year.

Trying to access your ‘account’?  Please ignore the 404 message.  There isn’t a special membership part of the website – hence no account or password. The link provided by Stripe shouldn’t be there and we are attempting to get it removed.

Gift Membership.  We are unable to process a gift membership for someone else.

Change of Address.  Please send your change of address to the Hon. Membership Secretary John Bowman at 17 Park Road, London W7 1EN, or email him at:

Customs Payments – Overseas Members should be aware that their membership subscription does not include the payment of any charges that may be applied by customs authorities to the annual publication or publications ordered by an overseas member.  Payment of any such charges is the member’s responsibility.

Personal data.   Membership of the Society is a form of contract where members pay a subscription, in return for which they receive benefits and services provided by the Society in the form of attendance at the AGM, two newsletters and a publication annually.  The Society asserts that it is a lawful processor by virtue of this relationship and does not need to obtain specific consent to process your data. The Society also considers that while it is exempted under GDPR from appointing at designated Data Protection Officer (DPO) it does accept the obligation to carry out processing in ways which are lawful, fair and transparent.  For more information read our privacy policy.

If you have any questions about membership please email Roger Cline: